Disclaimer- read before you proceed

Remember that it is ALWAYS the driver's responsibility to know and obey the traffic laws. Further, one must always use their good judgment when applying any suggestions. This website is not responsible for accidents and injuries or other claims. We only publish this information as a suggestion to help you drive safely.

"Imagine how nice the world would be if everyone drove like you and me."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stay out of the Blind Spot

I saw an SUV nearly tip over on I-75 when the driver started to change lanes right into a car in the next lane. The SUV let the other car ride in the blind spot on the passenger side. The cars were riding side-by-side, even though the traffic was light and one could easily have changed speeds to move the vehicles apart. Another few inches and the crash would have thrown at least on vehicle off the road at 70 mph.

One must be aware of other vehicles and maintain a safe buffer from other cars. This is especially easy in light traffic. If another vehicle is riding next to you, change speeds so you are not side-by-side. That will minimize the chance that you will forget about the car and cause a high-speed crash.

Ask side-by-side drivers to follow me at DriveLikeMe.com. This website can help anyone who takes the time to update his or her skills.

This is Rob G, asking YOU to Drive Like Me.

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