Disclaimer- read before you proceed

Remember that it is ALWAYS the driver's responsibility to know and obey the traffic laws. Further, one must always use their good judgment when applying any suggestions. This website is not responsible for accidents and injuries or other claims. We only publish this information as a suggestion to help you drive safely.

"Imagine how nice the world would be if everyone drove like you and me."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Never use the Car Horn to Express Emotion

While driving in SW Florida I sometimes witness a careless driving act where two cars almost collide. The "violated" driver sounds the horn to get the violators attention and avoid a collision. Good, that is what the horn is designed for.

However, many other drivers continue to blow the horn even after the danger is cleared. Wrong action that defines road rage. This action can also cause certain gestures and even escalate to violence.

Here is a driving tip. Just breath, inhale...exhale...repeat.

There is little to be gained by escalating this incident. Are you trying to start a fight? Are you ready for a gun battle? Even if you win the fight you will face a lengthy trial and certain prison sentence. Why?

As a former police officer named Chuck F. told me his driving tip. Think of the acronym FIDO, which stands for: Forget It, Drive On.

Excellent advice to avoid an even worse situation than the collision itself.

This is Rob G. asking all of you to Drive Like Me.

Tell those hot-heads to follow me at http://www.drivelikeme.com/.

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