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Remember that it is ALWAYS the driver's responsibility to know and obey the traffic laws. Further, one must always use their good judgment when applying any suggestions. This website is not responsible for accidents and injuries or other claims. We only publish this information as a suggestion to help you drive safely.

"Imagine how nice the world would be if everyone drove like you and me."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Crashing Chevy's- 1959 versus 2009

Those giant passenger cars of 1959 would be like tanks on the road today. There is a highway safety video showing the 1959 Chevy crashing head-on with a 2009 Chevy. The crash video is incredible and shows many different angles. i would not have guessed the results.

Both cars received incredible damage. The safety experts determined the driver of the 2009 Chevey would have an injured leg. The driver of the 1959 Chevy would have died on impact.

A participant in my AARP Driver Safety Program was a former safety engineer for a major manufacturer. He said 40% of the price of a new car is for safety features. It is clear from the crash results that the safety features are working.

View the video: http://www.automotiveaddicts.com/7322/offset-crash-test-video-1959-chevy-bel-air-vs-2009-chevy-malibu

This is Rob G. asking you to Drive Like Me.

1 comment:

  1. With the standards we have today, we will always have safe drivers and unsafe drivers, all sharing the same roads.

    Alameda Traffic School
