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Remember that it is ALWAYS the driver's responsibility to know and obey the traffic laws. Further, one must always use their good judgment when applying any suggestions. This website is not responsible for accidents and injuries or other claims. We only publish this information as a suggestion to help you drive safely.

"Imagine how nice the world would be if everyone drove like you and me."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

BMW Service, the Good and Bad

Not all dealerships are alike. I bought a used 1997 BMW a year ago when I moved to SW Florida and have had terrific service at the Naples, FL dealership. Unlucky for me, there is another dealership that is closer to my work so I took my car there. Only 36,000 miles so the low mileage performance is all there.

I took my car to the "other" BMW dealership for a simple oil change and because the airbag light was on. They also replaced a $40 bulb in the tail light. The total bill was over $700. Whaaaaaat???
So they call me and said my car was ready. I went after work to pick it up and waited and waited and ... a half hour later they said if I could just wait a bit they would also wash the car. WAIT a bit??? Wait even more??? Just bring my car.

I jumped in my car and saw the "check engine" light was now on. I returned and the not-so-friendly advisor said to bring it back in a few days if the light was still on. Huh??? I would call that unsafe, maybe careless or dangerous. What do you think?

I drove home and found fluid leaking from under the car. I imagined it was just some oil that dripped off. WRONG!!! I dropped off the BMW again at the same dealership and there is a broken transmission bracket and a severed transmission line. Plus, they want to replace another part that MIGHT cause a problem. For $1,000! I assure you that I baby this car and did not hit anything. Who do you think damaged my car?

BMW has failed, big time!!! I can't wait to get the bill so I can post a mega-rant on http://www.skidmarkoftheweek.com/.

Just to make things worse for them, I will not fill out the comment cards or surveys they send. Let the owner figure out on his/her own why they are losing business.

They can't really think I would trade-in my car on another BMW after this. Maybe they don't care.

I am Rob G. asking you to DriveLikeMe.

Tell your friends and neighbors to be cautious. I learned the hard way. That's all I can say.