Disclaimer- read before you proceed

Remember that it is ALWAYS the driver's responsibility to know and obey the traffic laws. Further, one must always use their good judgment when applying any suggestions. This website is not responsible for accidents and injuries or other claims. We only publish this information as a suggestion to help you drive safely.

"Imagine how nice the world would be if everyone drove like you and me."

Friday, August 27, 2010

Anti-Lock Brakes

A State Trooper named Bill attended my class and told me his experience with anti-lock brakes (ABS) on police cars. The officers in New York attended annual safety training at an old airstrip and put the cars through demanding exercises and extreme braking. Bill stated that the ABS-equipped cars stopped 25 to 40% faster versus the cars without ABS. Amazing!

Bill said the police cruisers went through a set of tires every 3-4 days before ABS. Once the cars were equipped with ABS, the tires lasted about a month. Incredible!

So if you want to stop faster and have your tires last longer, use the anti-lock brakes. Remember to Stomp... Stay... Steer. If you would like more information, please attend an AARP Driver Safety Program in your area. Find a class at www.AARP.Org/Driver.

Take a friend with you to the course and make the roads safer.

This is Rob G asking you to Drive Like Me!

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