Disclaimer- read before you proceed

Remember that it is ALWAYS the driver's responsibility to know and obey the traffic laws. Further, one must always use their good judgment when applying any suggestions. This website is not responsible for accidents and injuries or other claims. We only publish this information as a suggestion to help you drive safely.

"Imagine how nice the world would be if everyone drove like you and me."

Monday, August 9, 2010

Role Models versus Skidmarks (Good versus Bad)

I realized recently that my "Skidmark of the Week" rant lacked balance. More importantly, the rant lacked proper balance between good and bad drivers. Yes, bad drivers should be singled out and chastised. But in life it takes bad situations to help us appreciate the good in life.

This is why I changed http://www.skidmarkoftheweek.com/ to also recognize good drivers. I see many more good drivers each day than I see bad. Good, courteous, and safe driving does not get enough recognition, let alone enough reward.

So I open the door for each of you to be recognized as a safe driver. I will make a strong effort to not let the negative emotions of bad drivers overpower this website. Read a little and learn a lot of great driving tips. The only thing better is to attend driver safety school.

All the best!

Rob G.

Visit the rant at http://www.skidmarkoftheweek.com/.

Ask your friends and neighbors to read the weekly post at http://www.drivelikeme.com/ and let me know what you think.

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